Topic: GOES-16 (EAST) Geostationary Lightning Mapper Test
Date/Time Issued: January 21, 1914 UTC
Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-16 GLM
Date/Time of Initial Impact: January 26, 2021 1630UTC
Date/Time of Expected End: January 26, 2021 0430UTC
Length of Outage: Multiple 60min outages of degraded product period. See Details below.
Details/Specifics of Change: Starting on Wednesday January 26, at 1630 UTC, GOES-16 GLM will perform testing to improve the data product. The outages and degradation period are listed below:- January 26, 1630-1730UTC: 60min GLM outage
- January 26, 0436-0536UTC: 60min GLM outage
This testing will be postponed in the event of a critical weather day. Events will slip one business day, remaining at the same time of day, until they do not conflict with critical weather day.