Update #1: This notification serves as a two-week reminder of the NDE System Upgrade scheduled on March 3, 2022
Topic: NDE System Upgrade
Date/Time Issued: February 17, 2022 1955 UTC
Product(s) or Data Impacted: All NDE products
Date/Time of Initial Impact: March 3, 2022 TBD UTC
Date/Time of Expected End: March 3, 2022 TBD UTC
Length of Outage: 2.5 hours
Details/Specifics of Change:
The March 3, 2022 installation of NDE release 2.0.30 is planned to occur during back orbits. NDE will not be ingesting, processing or distributing data during installation. No data loss is expected, but there will be a possible backlog of processing when installation is complete.
New product included in this release is:
Advanced Dvorak Technique (ADTv9.0)
Impact on users: YES
The ADT will be upgraded with:
1. Incorporates new version of ARCHER (automated, multi-satellite-based
objective TC center fix algorithm)
2. Capability to process full resolution Himawari-8 and GOES-R (G16 and G17) data
3. Improved analysis of Sub-Tropical (ST) designated cyclones
4. Improved analysis of Extratropical Transition (ET) events
5. Include estimates of TC surface wind radii (34/50/64 knot wind radii, in nmi.)
6. Implement ADTv9.0 on NDE
7. ADTv9.0 will only generate products by ATCF bulletins.
8. ADTv9.0 will not include DMSP satellites.
The ADT FIX product shortname will be changed:
On ADT product webpage, since ADTv9.0 will only generate products by ATCF bulletins, ADT products under the following Forecasts Centers will be removed: New Delhi, Tokyo, La Reunion, Australia, and Nadi.
ADTv8.2.1 will be turned off on April 3rd, 2022.
Operational Update of the S-NPP and NOAA20 VIIRS ACSPO SST on NDE:
Impact on users: YES
We will update S-NPP and NOAA20 VIIRS ACSPO SST Products with ACSPO v2.8. Upgrades in ACSPO v2.80 from STAR include (1) ACSPO thermal fronts (for both LEO, GEO and super-collated L3S); (2) reduced high-latitude biases; (3) reduced L2P file size by a factor of ~3 (as brightness temperatures are no longer included); (4) improved cloud screening; 5) added support of J2/N21 and Meteosat Third Generation platforms. Product generation will remain on the NDE (on-prem NDE) and product distribution will remain on the PDA. The VIIRS v2.8 ACSPO SSTs will be available for testing on the NDE I&T and PDA I&T test environments for existing I&T user groups from January 31 - March 2nd. If you are not an I&T user, contact the PAL (Sheekela.Baker-Yeboah@noaa.gov) for additional help with sample V2.8 granules. We plan to replace the ACSPO v2.61 VIIRS ACSPO SST products on the PDA with the ACSPO v2.8 VIIRS ACSPO SST products by March 3rd. PDA short names are listed in the Table below.
Please make the required updates to your processing/operations by March 2, 2022. Let us know if you have any questions.
Please note: This upgrade will not be performed during Critical Weather Day (CWD).
Also, the contents of this release are subject to change based on user readiness, customer feedback, and management approval.
Additional ESPC notifications will provide further details and updates concerning this release. User feedback and questions should be directed to Shuang Qiu shuang.qiu@noaa.gov
Contact Information: For information on the status of this work, please contact Shuang Qiu shuang.qiu@noaa.gov or ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov or 301-817-3880
Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A
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