Topic:   Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 15

Date/Time Issued: April 06, 2023, 1517Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted: See list below.

Date/Time of Initial Impact:   April 06 15:02:29 UTC 2023   (from the Eumetsat message)

Date/Time of Expected End: TBD

Details/Specifics of Change: See list below

Message number: 10455
Message creation: Thu Apr 06 15:02:29 UTC 2023

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 9204
Rev: 0
Start Time: 2023-01-31 09:39:00.0
Satellites: Sentinel-3B
Subsystem: SRAL
Subject: instrument-calibration
Impact: data-degraded
Detail: Starting 31/01/2023 09:39:49 S3B will start performing SRAL external calibrations over a transponder site in Leonessa. To conduct this transponder pass, the on-board Digital Elevation Model (DEM) altitude value must be temporarily updated in RAM, and is reverted immediately after the pass. A short outage immediately before and after the pass will be introduced, and data should be considered degraded as per non-nominal acquisition mode, for a total duration of approx.27 seconds over the transponder location (42.61607° N, 13.03780° E) for all relative orbits number (RON) 306 - from cycle 75 (inclusive) onwards.
Revision History:
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2023-01-25 17:19:20.0
Services: SRAL Level 1 Products - S3B
SRAL Level 2 Marine Products - S3B

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 9205
Rev: 0
Start Time: 2023-02-02 10:28:00.0
Satellites: Sentinel-3B
Subsystem: SRAL
Subject: instrument-calibration
Impact: data-degraded
Detail: Starting 02/02/2023 10:28:30 S3B will start performing SRAL external calibrations over a corner reflector site in Spain. To conduct this pass, the on-board Digital Elevation Model (DEM) altitude value must be temporarily updated in RAM, and is reverted immediately after the pass. A short outage immediately before and after the pass will be introduced, and data should be considered degraded as per non-nominal acquisition mode, for a total duration of approx.26 seconds over the transponder location (42.052°N, 0.7300° E) for all relative orbits number (RON) 335 - from cycle 75 (inclusive) onwards
Revision History:
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2023-01-25 17:19:08.0
Services: SRAL Level 1 Products - S3B
SRAL Level 2 Marine Products - S3B

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 9258
Rev: 0
Start Time: 2023-02-14 20:35:00.0
Satellites: Sentinel-3A
Subsystem: SRAL
Subject: instrument-calibration
Impact: data-degraded
Detail: Starting 14/02/2023 20:35:57 S3A will start performing SRAL external calibrations over a transponder in Leonessa, Italy. To conduct this transponder pass, the on-board Digital Elevation Model (DEM) altitude value must be temporarily updated in RAM, and is reverted immediately after the pass. A short outage immediately before and after the pass will be introduced, and data should be considered degraded as per non-nominal acquisition mode, for a total duration of approx.28 seconds over the transponder location (42.61607° N, 13.03780° E) for all relative orbits number (RON) 270 from cycle 95 (inclusive) onwards
Revision History:
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2023-02-08 09:22:43.0
Services: SRAL Level 1 Products - S3A
SRAL Level 2 Marine Products - S3A

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 9287
Rev: 0
Start Time: 2023-02-24 23:00:00.0
End Time: 2023-04-12 01:30:00.0
Satellites: MET-11
Subject: eclipse-season
Impact: risk-of-degradation
Detail: There is a risk of degraded image quality every night from 23:00 to 01:30 next day in the given time period.
Revision History:
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2023-02-15 16:17:55.0
Services: 0° Meteosat Meteorological Products
0° SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data

Type: Service Enhancement
Ann Nr: 9420
Rev: 0
Start Time: 2023-03-20 15:00:00.0
End Time: 2023-09-21 15:00:00.0
Satellites: MET-9
Subject: general-announcement
Detail: From 20/03/2023, the daily Meteosat-9 Upper HRV Window shift time will change from 14:00 UTC to 15:00 UTC to better optimise the illumination for the Spring/Summer season. The 15:00 UTC shift time will remain in place until 21 September 2023 included.
Revision History:
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2023-03-17 08:52:52.0
Services: IODC Meteosat Meteorological Products
IODC SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data

Type: Service Enhancement
Ann Nr: 9448
Rev: 0
Start Time: 2023-04-06 11:00:00.0
End Time: 2023-04-06 13:00:00.0
Subject: general-announcement
Detail: Online short session on EUMETSAT's data access services, focusing on transitioning from Data Centre to Data Store, Data Tailor and Data Access Client (EUMDAC). For more details and to register for the session, see the URL provided below.
Revision History:
Issue Time: 2023-03-29 13:49:51.0
Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 9460
Rev: 0
Start Time: 2023-04-11 08:34:00.0
End Time: 2023-04-11 08:41:00.0
Satellites: Metop-B
Subsystem: SEM
Component: MEPED
Subject: instrument-calibration
Impact: data-unavailable
Detail: SEM MEPED in flight calibration.
Revision History:
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2023-04-05 12:59:16.0
Services: SEM L0 - Metop-B

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 9459
Rev: 0
Start Time: 2023-04-11 08:34:00.0
End Time: 2023-04-11 10:17:00.0
Satellites: Metop-B
Subsystem: SEM
Component: TED
Subject: instrument-calibration
Impact: data-unavailable
Detail: SEM TED in flight calibration.
Revision History:
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2023-04-05 12:58:40.0
Services: SEM L0 - Metop-B

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 9461
Rev: 0
Start Time: 2023-04-11 09:27:00.0
End Time: 2023-04-11 09:34:00.0
Satellites: Metop-C
Subsystem: SEM
Component: MEPED
Subject: instrument-calibration
Impact: data-unavailable
Detail: SEM MEPED in flight calibration.
Revision History:
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2023-04-05 13:00:09.0
Services: SEM AHRPT Metop-C
SEM L0 - Metop-C

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 9465
Rev: 0
Start Time: 2023-04-11 17:57:00.0
End Time: 2023-04-11 18:02:00.0
Satellites: MET-11
Subject: in-plane-manoeuvre
Impact: data-degraded
Detail: Drift Stop Manoeuvre Burn 1 for relocation of Meteosat-11 to 9.5deg East. Users may experience degraded image quality and degraded meteorological product quality up to a few hours after the manoeuvre.
Revision History:
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2023-04-06 07:36:04.0
Services: RSS Meteosat Meteorological Products
RSS SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 9464
Rev: 0
Start Time: 2023-04-11 18:30:00.0
End Time: 2023-04-11 20:30:00.0
Satellites: GOES-18
Subject: instrument-special-operation
Impact: data-unavailable
Detail: A GOES-18 ABI Encoder and Fine Track Error (FTE) Calibration will be performed, resulting in two ABI product outages. First outage is planned between 11 April 18:30Z and 11 April19:00Z. Second outage is planned between 11 April 20:00Z and 11 April 20:30Z. Products may be degraded between outages.
Revision History:
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2023-04-05 14:46:50.0
Services: GOES Products

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 9466
Rev: 0
Start Time: 2023-04-12 05:55:00.0
End Time: 2023-04-12 06:00:00.0
Satellites: MET-11
Subject: in-plane-manoeuvre
Impact: data-degraded
Detail: Drift Stop Manoeuvre Burn 2 for relocation of Meteosat-11 to 9.5deg East. Users may experience degraded image quality and degraded meteorological product quality up to a few hours after the manoeuvre.
Revision History:
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2023-04-06 07:36:17.0
Services: RSS SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data
RSS Meteosat Meteorological Products

Type: Service Enhancement
Ann Nr: 9447
Rev: 0
Start Time: 2023-04-12 09:00:00.0
Subject: service-change
Detail: Data access from the Data Centre is being migrated to the Data Store, for easier and faster access. For full details, see the URL provided below.
Revision History:
Issue Time: 2023-03-29 13:44:49.0
Services: EUMETSAT Data Centre

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 9463
Rev: 0
Start Time: 2023-04-13 09:00:00.0
End Time: 2023-04-13 09:00:00.0
Satellites: Suomi NPP
Subject: out-of-plane-manoeuvre
Impact: data-unavailable
Detail: Inclination Adjustment Manoeuvre (IAM) on 13 April 2023. More accurate times will be provided closer to the Manoeuvre start time. This may cause data to be unavailable or degraded during the mentioned period.
Revision History:
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2023-04-05 13:46:45.0
Services: CrlS Level 1 - Suomi-NPP
ATMS Level 1 - Suomi-NPP
Atmospheric Products-Suomi NPP
Marine Products-Suomi NPP

Type: Service Enhancement
Ann Nr: 9212
Rev: 0
Start Time: 2023-04-25 09:00:00.0
End Time: 2023-04-25 09:00:00.0
Subject: product-change
Detail: Upgrade of OSI SAF NRT L2 and L3 Sea Ice Concentration products. For full details, see the URL provided below.
Revision History:
Issue Time: 2023-01-25 15:28:25.0
Services: OSI SAF - Products

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 9462
Rev: 0
Start Time: 2023-05-04 09:00:00.0
End Time: 2023-05-04 09:00:00.0
Satellites: Metop-C
Subsystem: GRAS
Subject: general-announcement
Impact: data-unavailable
Detail: GRAS receiver software update. More accurate times will be provided closer to the start of the activity.
Revision History:
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2023-04-05 13:43:08.0
Services: GRAS Level 1 - Metop-C

Type: Service Enhancement
Ann Nr: 9214
Rev: 2
Start Time: 2023-05-18 10:00:00.0
End Time: 2023-05-18 11:00:00.0
Subject: general-announcement
Detail: Date and time of the session updated.
Revision History: [Original] Online short session on EUMETSAT's data access services, focusing on how to use the Data Tailor to customise Sentinel-3 products. For more details and to register for the session, see the URL provided below. [Rev.1] Date and time of the session updated.
Issue Time: 2023-03-31 14:59:58.0
Address: Eumetsat-Allee 1
D-64295 Darmstadt

Contact information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at or 301-817-3880

Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A

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