Update #1: Enhanced Caution Event has ended as scheduled for Severe Thunderstorm ops across southeastern Missouri and northeastern Arkansas into the TN Valley.

Topic:  Enhanced Caution Has Been Declared
Date/Time Issued: August 10, 2023 1217Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: NWS IT Enterprise
Date/Time Initial Impact:  August 09, 2023 1200Z  J/Day 221

Date/Time Expected End: August 10, 2023 1200Z  J/Day 222

Length of Event:  24 hours 

Requester: SDM

Details/Specifics of Change: S
upport of Severe Thunderstorm operations across southeastern Missouri, northeastern Arkansas, and parts of the TN Valley.

Pause all operational changes. Request Regional or Center management approval prior to moving forward with any operational change. Managers should consider the critical resources outlined in the NWS IT Playbooks prior to authorizing any operational system, data, or application changes.

Web Site(s) for Applicable Information: Please visit the CWD status page for more information:



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