Topic:  NOAA-21 ATMS TDR/SDR Product Updates

Date/Time Issued: August 25, 2023 1535Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted:  NOAA-21 ATMS TDR/SDR and BUFR

Date/Time of Initial Impact: August 25, 2023 1615Z

Date/Time of Expected End: N/A

Duration: N/A

Details: The ATMS science team will update the NOAA-21 ATMS processing coefficient table (PCT) to reset three instrument health status quality flag thresholds to engineering recommended ranges. Due to the change of ATMS instrument health status monitoring telemetry parameters in NOAA-21 and later, the telemetry calculation coefficients have been upgraded to satellite dependent values in IDPS version Mx8. This PCT update is to adjust the quality flag warning limits to the recommended numbers associated with the IDPS update. After the PCT update, the constantly triggered health status quality flag (QF-1) will be turned off. No impact in science data sessions.

Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at or 301-817-3880

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