Topic: GOES-16 (EAST) Geostationary Lightning Mapper Test  

Date/Time Issued: September 13, 2023 1525Z  

Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-16 GLM Products

Date/Time of Initial Impact:   September 20, 2023 0425Z 

Date/Time of Expected End: September 21, 2023 1800Z 

Length of Outage:  This test consists of four short one hour tests, one at solar midnight, one at the next solar noon, one at the next solar midnight, and one at the next solar noon; they are required to be consecutive.  

Details/Specifics of Change: Starting on Wednesday September 20, at 0425 UTC, GOES-16 GLM will perform testing to improve the data product. The outages period are listed below:

This testing will be postponed in the event of a critical weather day being declared prior to the start of each test

Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at or 301-817-3880 24x7 or during normal business hours

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