Topic: GOES-16 MDS Meso-1


Date/Time Issued:  September 16, 2023 0308Z 

Product(s) or Data Impacted:  GOES-16 MDS Meso-1

Requested Center Point: 41N/66.5

Date/Time Initial Impact:  
September 16, 2023  0304Z  J/DAY 259

Date/Time of Expected End:  September 17, 2023  0600Z J/DAY 259

Length of Event: Approximately 27 Hours

Requester:  National Hurricane Center


Priority: 15 NHC/CPHC Tropical Stm US wtch/warn


Details/Specifics of Change:  Monitoring Lee with TS Warnings in US


Web Site(s) for Applicable Information:  SDM Total Operational Weather Readiness - Satellites (TOWR-S) Virtual Lab Forum


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