Topic: Jason-3 OGDR delays 


Date/Time Issued: November 03, 2023  0141Z


Product(s) or Data Impacted: Jason-3 Operational Geophysical Data Records (OGDRs)

Date/Time of Initial Impact:  November 2, 2023  1643Z

Date/Time of Expected End: TBD


Length of Event: TBD


Details/Specifics of Change: 


Due to TBD issues, EUMETSAT is unable to generate Jason-3 OGDRs at this time. We are still receiving telemetry and data flow from EUMETSAT and have activated our Emergency Backup Mode (EBM) capability to process the Usingen passes until the problem can be resolved. The four passes missed have been processed with additional latency. We will come out of EBM when EUMETSAT has resolved its issues.

Contact Information for Further Information:

David Donahue
Satellite Services Division
(301) 683-3236   

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