Update #1: This update is intended for clarification as well as an update to the expected implementation date.
In July 2024, operational distribution of VIIRS SDR Imagery Ellipsoid geolocation will be reduced to a single satellite:
S-NPP Ellipsoid Geolocation for M Band (GMODO) will continue and will not be associated or packaged along with VIIRS M Band SDRs going forward. NOAA-20 and NOAA-21 Ellipsoid Geolocation M band may replace S-NPP in the future/but only a single satellite will be produced.
S-NPP, NOAA-20 and NOAA-21 VIIRS I Band and M Band SDR data going forward will be associated with Terrain Corrected Geolocation (GITCO and GMTCO).
No changes to the following VIIRS Geolocation for any of the three JPSS Spacecraft:
VIIRS Day-Night Band Geolocation (GDNBO) will continue for all satellites and will continue to be associated with the VIIRS Day/Night Band SDR product (SVNDB).
VIIRS Imagery EDR Geolocation for both I Band (GIGTO) and M Band (GMGTO) will continue for all satellites and will be associated with the VIIRS I Band and M Band EDRs
VIIRS Aggregate Dual Gain Geolocation (ICDBG) will continue for all satellites and will continue to be associated with the VIIRS Dual Gain IP
VIIRS NCC GTM Geolocation (GNCCO) will continue for all satellites and will continue to be associated with the VIIRS NCC EDR
Product (s) or data impacted:
Discontinuation of S-NPP VIIRS-IMG-GEO
Discontinuation of NOAA-20 VIIRS-IMG-GEO and VIIRS-MOD-GEO
Discontinuation of NOAA-21 VIIRS-IMG-GEO and VIIRS-MOD-GEO
Product (s) to be used:
Topic: JPSS Ellipsoid Geolocation Product Reduction
Date/Time Issued: January 23, 2024 0035Z
Date/Time of Initial Impact: July 01, 2024 TBD UTC
Date/Time of Expected End: N/A
Length of Outage: N/A
Details/Specifics of Change:
All S-NPP, JPSS-1, JPSS-2 VIIRS Imagery Ellipsoid geolocation will be discontinued, and the JPSS-1, JPSS-2 VIIRS Moderate Ellipsoid geolocation will be discontinued, leaving only the S-NPP VIIRS Moderate Ellipsoid geolocation available. Downstream users are directed to use the S-NPP, JPSS-1, and JPSS-2 VIIRS Imagery and Moderate TC geolocation.
S-NPP (TBC) VIIRS Moderate Ellipsoid geolocation will continue to be delivered, but will not be associated with any S-NPP VIIRS product
CLASS going forward will package VIIRS SDRs with Terrain Corrected Geolocation, and VIIRS SDRs older than Spring 2024 will be packaged with Ellipsoid geolocation.
Web Site(s) for Applicable Information: N/A
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