Update#1:The FCDAS loaded the post maneuver TLE to all antennas and SMD from revs 67136 and 67137 was recovered.
Topic: Data delayed for NPP Rev 67136
Date/Time Issued: Oct 11, 2024 1642Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: All NPP Products for Rev 67136
Date/Time of Initial Impact: Oct 11 1030Z
Date/Time of Expected End: TBD
Length of Outage: TBD
Details/Specifics of Change: Topic: DPS did not receive the SMD PBK for this contact. Engineering investigating. T&C received.
Contact Information: For information on the status of this work please ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov or 301-817-3880
Web Site(s) for applicable information: https://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/status/cwd/