Satellite Source: COSMO SkyMed
Mode: ScanSAR Wide VV
Resolution: 15 meter
Image Date & Time: 05-15-2018 2335 UTC

Confidence: High
Issue Date: 05-16-2018

Region: Gulf of Mexico
Location: 28°16'04" N, 88°23'56" W
Coverage Area: 50.59 km^2

Possible oil was observed in satellite imagery. It is believed that the 
anomaly is related to an oil-water mixture spill that was reported in 
NRC report #1212188. The slick measured 7.7 nm long and had a maximum 
width of 2 nm. It was connected to an oil platform, had a moderate contrast 
to its homogeneous surroundings, and was out of place. Light winds in 
the vicinity of the slick were reported to be 5-10 kts to the SW, which 
supports the slick's orientation. Confidence that the anomaly contained 
oil is high given that the spill was reported.

Since the spill was reported as an oil-water mixture, there is no uncertainty 
that the spill contained oil.

Analyst: Velasco

For further information on oil spill response and assessment please visit: