Satellite Source: Landsat 8
Mode: Multispectral
Resolution: 30 meter
Image Date & Time: 06-23-2018 1631 UTC

Confidence: Medium-High
Issue Date: 06-24-2018

Region: Gulf of Mexico
Location: 28°45'58" N, 89°50'26" W
Coverage Area: 1.50 km^2

Possible oil was observed in satellite imagery. This anomaly is unconfirmed 
as oil. Note that the satellite image is more than 24hrs old. The anomaly 
exhibited a white shimmery appearance in partial sunglint, consistent 
with oil, and despite no discerned point source it was in very close proximity 
to offshore oil pipelines. Dimensions were 1.7 NMI in length and 0.10 
NMI in width on average. The anomaly tested negative for vegetation and 
was removed from areas of natural oil seepage. Winds in the vicinity were 

No discerned origin of the anomaly. The full spatial extent might be inaccurate 
due to poor contrast against the ocean on the western side.

Analyst: Ramirez

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