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The GOME-2 a European instrument flying on the MetOp-B series of satellites (launched on September 17, 2012) and MetOp-C series of satellites (launched in 2018) are designed by the European Space Agency to measure atmospheric ozone, trace gases and ultraviolet radiation.
NESDIS GOME 2 (MetOp-B and MetOp-C) total ozone products, based on the SBUV/2 version 8 algorithms are produced in Netcdf4 and BUFR formats. The algorithm also produces aerosol index and reflectivity values, which are included in the total ozone Netcdf4 product.
Granule products are available as imagery (gif), Netcdf4 or BUFR, and daily products (1 x 1.25 deg maps) are available in ASCII.
Magnesium II index (MgII) information into a daily ASCII file for our solar and space users.
MetOp-B and MetOp-C GOME-2 1B granules (raw data), L2 V8TOz NetCDF4 File, MgII Text File, L3 V8TOz NetCDF4 File, and the ASC File will be archived at NCEI/CLASS.
For more information, or to receive products, contact the Ozone Product Area Lead or the ESPC Operations Help Desk.