Images are at a grid scale of 0.1°x0.1°

Images are at a grid scale of 0.1°x0.1°
Biomass burning releases trace gases and aerosol emissions, which play a significant role in atmospheric chemistry. NOAA NWS (National Weather Service) NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) is developing capabilities to provide global aerosol forecasts. The NWS/NCEP regional and global models need biomass burning emissions sources (fires) as input, particularly emissions product timely updated on a daily basis. GBBEP operationally produces daily biomass burning emissions for Black Carbon (BC), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Organic Carbon (OC), Particulate Matter with a diameter less than 2.5 micrometers (PM2.5), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Ammonia (NH3) and Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) by using fire detections from VIIRS M-band (750m) on SNPP (Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership) and JPSS-1/2 (Joint Polar Satellite System, also named as NOAA- 20/21). The produced species (BC, CO, CO2, OC, PM2.5, and SO2) of daily biomass burning emissions are at a grid scale of 0.25°x0.3125°, at a FV3 C384 grid and a FV3 C96 grid. GBBEP produces daily emissions at 0.1°x0.1° degree grids that consist of the data layers of BC, CO, CO2, NH3, NOx, OC, PM2.5, SO2, cloud percentage, fire percentage, mean FRP, QA, and number of sensors. GBBEP also generates statistics emissions in each continent. Details of the products and algorithms can be found on our documentation page.