NOAA Office of Satellite and Product Operations

Weekly GOES-RSTU OSPO INR Website Report

Report Time Range: 2019/328-0 to 2019/335-0

Satellite ID: GOES-16
Band 1 (VNIR 470 nm) 2 (VNIR 640 nm) 3 (VNIR 865 nm) 5 (VNIR 1610 nm) 6 (VNIR 2250 nm)
EW 96.1698% (8813/9164) 100.0000% (16227/16227) 100.0000% (15323/15323) 100.0000% (15462/15462) 99.9852% (13468/13470)
NS 100.0000% (9164/9164) 100.0000% (16227/16227) 100.0000% (15323/15323) 100.0000% (15462/15462) 99.0497% (13342/13470)
ABI MWIR/LWIR Full Disk Navigation (NAV) Landmark Residual Points Within Limit (Green = above 99.7 % spec)
Band 7 (MWIR 3900 nm) 11 (MWIR 8500 nm) 13 (LWIR 10350 nm) 14 (LWIR 11200 nm) 15 (LWIR 12300 nm) 16 (LWIR 13300 nm)
EW 99.4631% (36678/36876) 99.3877% (29544/29726) 99.5276% (30552/30697) 99.5114% (27698/27834) 99.4600% (22655/22778) 99.6694% (14771/14820)
NS 98.3865% (36281/36876) 98.2137% (29195/29726) 97.6056% (29962/30697) 97.6037% (27167/27834) 97.5678% (22224/22778) 98.2928% (14567/14820)
ABI VNIR Full Disk Frame-to-Frame (FFR) Landmark Residual Points Within Limit (Green = above 99.7 % spec)
Band 1 (VNIR 470 nm) 2 (VNIR 640 nm) 3 (VNIR 865 nm) 5 (VNIR 1610 nm) 6 (VNIR 2250 nm)
EW 100.0000% (22183/22183) 100.0000% (25758/25758) 100.0000% (27977/27977) 100.0000% (29945/29945) 100.0000% (27038/27038)
NS 100.0000% (22183/22183) 100.0000% (25758/25758) 100.0000% (27977/27977) 100.0000% (29945/29945) 100.0000% (27038/27038)
ABI MWIR/LWIR Full Disk Frame-to-Frame (FFR) Landmark Residual Points Within Limit (Green = above 99.7 % spec)
Band 7 (MWIR 3900 nm) 11 (MWIR 8500 nm) 13 (LWIR 10350 nm) 14 (LWIR 11200 nm) 15 (LWIR 12300 nm) 16 (LWIR 13300 nm)
EW 100.0000% (66006/66006) 100.0000% (52573/52573) 100.0000% (52874/52874) 100.0000% (48562/48562) 100.0000% (43826/43826) 100.0000% (35739/35739)
NS 100.0000% (36281/36876) 100.0000% (52573/52573) 100.0000% (52874/52874) 100.0000% (48562/48562) 100.0000% (43826/43826) 100.0000% (35739/35739)


Each plot point represents the absolute mean plus 3 standard deviations for the full disk landmark residuals in that day.